Graphmatica accepts equations written in a format similar to many spreadsheets and graphing calculators, but reviewing the rules below may help you avoid having your equations rejected due to parsing errors.

Most equations must include: *

The rest is up to you. You can also include:

(* Parametric equations, because they are inherently different from most others, have different requirements which are explained in detail in Parametric Graphing. Also, note that many implicit Cartesian functions can be graphed even though they contain multiple references to both x and y.)

For a complete list of the supported operators, variables, and functions see the Operator Table.

The order of operations is the standard algebraic left to right of:


In order to simplify your expressions, Graphmatica supports implied multiplication, as in 3x or 5(2x+3). It will handle constants followed by identifiers without a space in between, but you must separate alphabetic identifiers with a space, paren, or an arithmetic operator (except for the single special case "xy"). In addition, numbers which follow a variable or function must be separated from it by an operator or space, in order to support variables and functions with numerals in their names (currently only d2x, d3x, etc.)--x3 would have to be expressed as x*3 or x 3.

For brief or in-depth information about each of the types of graphs Graphmatica supports, read the Overview of Graphing Techniques.

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kSoft, Inc. ksoft@graphmatica.com Last updated: Sun 11 Jun 2017